Aurelian Beneficial Trust (ABT) is a charitable discretional trust which strives to promote access to quality educational opportunities and be a trusted partner that facilitates self-sufficiency in underserved communities through education.
We are an educational trust established in 2020
The trust in terms of its trust deed is a charitable discretional trust as defined in section 30(1) of the Income Tax Act.
We are a charitable trust that is a catalyst for access to quality education.
Mission Statement
To avail resources to needy communities for educational opportunities through facilitation ad mobilisation.
Our values
- Conducting the activities relating to the trust with the highest level of professionalism.
- Ensuring high levels of professionalism when interacting with other organisations around issues of mutual concern.
- Striving towards the provision of an excellent, efficient and effective service to the various beneficiaries of the trust.
- Administering the trust and all its activities in a manner that is consistent with excellence.
- Being mindful of the circumstances and concerns of the beneficiary’s when making decisions that affect them.
- Demonstrating empathy and compassion when engaging with our beneficiaries.
- Dedication to the objectives of the trust and its success.
- Demonstrating our dedication to our beneficiaries and the communities we serve.
- Treating other organisations courteously and respectfully at all times.
- Ensuring that the organisation is approachable, helpful and accessible in its relationships with beneficiaries, who are expecting high standards of service.
- Respecting the rights and dignity of all people in terms of race, gender, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, political persuasion, conscience, belief, culture or language.
- Ensuring the trust remains true to its mission and objectives.
- Ensuring that the organisation presents itself, its policies and its programme in a positive light to the public, regardless of personal feelings or beliefs.
- Ensuring that the organisation forms associations only with organisations that adhere to similar principles and values.
- Ensuring that the members serve the organisation in an unbiased and impartial manner, setting aside personal interests and upholding its good name.
- Ensuring that the organisation has honest and open relationship with its beneficiaries and stakeholders.
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Our trustees
Buyelwa Sonjica
Buyelwa Sonjica is the founding Chairperson of the Aurelian Beneficial Trust since 2020. Ms Sonjica chairs the social, ethics and transformation committee at Kumba Iron Ore.
She is a member of the World Wide Assessment Programme Advisory Group on gender equality and former Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, and Minerals and Energy with the cabinet of the government of South Africa.
She previously chaired the Parliamentary Select Committee on childcare facilities and the portfolio committee on water and forestry. She has also served as a member in the parliamentary portfolio committees of arts and culture, finance, and the trade and industry committees. As a former educator she is passionate about education and the youth.
Dr Nomonde Ntsaluba (Ngubentombi)
As an educationist, Dr. Ntsaluba has 34 years of experience in education with extensive experience in management as the head of a department at a college of education and later at a University. Dr. Ntsaluba has participated in curriculum planning and development as well as program designing. She has conducted and supervised post-graduate research in education.
She has also been involved in developing teaching and learning materials for teacher development. Dr. Ntsaluba has been a trustee of the Aurelian Beneficial trust since 2020.
Ayanda Ntsho CA (SA)
A finance executive with over 13 years of executive experience capable of identifying deficiencies and potential opportunities for improving business and finance functionalities. Proven ability to solve and resolve complex problems. Excellent leadership skills accumulated from leading and managing high-profile companies with staff compliments of over three thousand (3000) employees. Ability to coach and mentor junior staff to create a solid team with a commitment to grow any company mission and vision.
Ayanda has vast experience in the following sector Financial services, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, Manufacturing, Defense, Transport (Aviation), Electronics. Ayanda has been a trustee of the Aurelian Beneficial trust since 2020.
Sango Ntsaluba CA (SA)
Sango is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of Aurelian Capital, an investment holding company. He co-founded what is now known as SNG-Grant Thornton one of South Africa’s leading auditing and accounting firms. Sango has spent over 30 years in leadership positions in operations, investment and finance.
He has been extensively involved over the years in charity and philanthropy with a passion in youth development and education. In addition, he has extensive board experience in listed, public sector and unlisted companies in South Africa and abroad.
He has a wealth of knowledge in a variety of industries including financial services, transport and logistics, mining and food production acquired over his years in public practice, operations and board memberships. Sango has been a trustee of the Aurelian Beneficial trust since 2020.
Our partners
At Aurelian Beneficial Trust, we believe collaboration is the key to driving meaningful change. As a charitable trust dedicated to expanding access to quality education, we value trusted partnerships as the foundation of our mission. Together, we create transformative opportunities that empower individuals and institutions to learn, grow, and thrive.